
Listing Review: The scrip is listed at Rs. 256, marginal premium of 2.56% over the issue price of Rs. 250. There was no premium quote for this IPO in the grey market.

What was the last grey market premium of Cln Energy IPO?

 Rs. 0

Subscription status of Cln Energy IPO

CLN Energy IPO
(Closed on 27 Jan 2025)

Price Rs. 250 Lot 600 shares, Rs. 72.30 Crore

QIB NII x RII x Total x Applications
1.07 8.60 6.55 5.42 13,907
Amount wise bids recd. Rs. ? Crore

What is the business of Cln Energy?

CLN Energy Limited, established in 2019, specializes in the production of custom lithium-ion batteries and motors. The company also manufactures powertrain components for electric vehicles, including controllers, throttles, DC-DC converters, displays, and differentials.

CLN Energy provides B2B solutions tailored for electric vehicles and stationary applications such as solar energy systems, energy storage solutions (ESS), and telecommunications.

The company’s product portfolio includes a variety of electric vehicle components, such as motors, controllers, battery management systems (BMS), throttle bodies, and DC-DC converters. These products are sold under the “CLN Energy” brand.

With two ISO-certified manufacturing facilities located in Noida and Pune, Maharashtra, CLN Energy adheres to strict quality and environmental standards, holding certifications for QMS 9001:2015, EMS 14001:2015, and OHSAS 45001:2018.

As of March 31, 2024, the company employed 123 permanent staff and 133 off-roll employees

Get more information about the company @ https://www.clnenergy.in/

Cln Energy IPO Details

IPO opens on  23 January 2025
IPO closes on  27 January 2025
Issue Type Book Built Issue IPO
Issue Size 2892000 Shares /
Rs 72.30 Crore
* Fresh Issue 2892000 Shares /
Rs 72.30 Crore
* Offer for Sale – – shares /
Rs. – crore
Market Maker Portion 156000 Shares
Net offer to Public 2736000 Shares/
Rs.68.40 Crore
Face Value per share Rs. 10
Price Band Rs. 235-250
Employee discount  Rs. 0 per share
Retail Lot Size  600 Shares
Listing will at  BSE SME

Shares offered in IPO

  Shares Rs. (Crore)
QIB (50%) 1368000 34.20
HNI (15%)   410400 10.26
RII  (35%)   957600 23.94
Total Shares  2736000 68.40
Retail portion will be
oversubscribed by 
How much Shares to Apply in this IPO?
Min Retail Application 600 Shares Rs.150000
Min HNI Application  1200 Shares Rs. 300000

Who are the Promoters of Cln Energy?

The promoters of the company are CLN Energy Pte. Ltd. and Rajiv Seth.

What are the Objects of Cln Energy IPO?

The Offer comprises of fresh issue of shares.

The Company proposes to raise funds to accomplish the following objects:

  1. Purchase of machinery and equipment
  2. Funding Working capital requirements
  3. General Corporate Purpose

Tentative timetable

IPO opens on 23 January 2024
IPO Closes on 27 January 2025
IPO Allotment on  28 January 2025
Refund Initiation  29 January 2025
Credit of Shares 29 January 2025
Listing on 30 January 2025
Registered Office of the Company
CLN Energy Limited
Plot-18, Sector-140,
Phase-2, Nepz Post Office,
Gautam Buddha Nagar
Dadri, 201305
Who is the Lead Manager of this IPO?
Aryaman Financial Services Ltd 

Who is the Registrar to IPO?
Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd

Cln Energy IPO GMP grey market premium, review, Subscription, allotment, listing estimate

Cln Energy IPO Financial & Analytical Ratios

Year Total
  Rs.in Crore Rs.in Crore Rs. %
2021-22 121.70 3.64
2022-23 128.88 0.73
2023-24 132.86 9.79 12.78 73.19
Book Value of the
Share on 31.03.2024
BV of the Share at
cap price after IPO
Offer Price/upper band Rs. 250    

Key Performance

Price/EPS of 23-24 19.56
Price/BV Ratio 6.41
Debt/Equity Ratio

How Cln Energy IPO
compares with the Peers?

    Ratio Ratio
Cln Energy 10 19.56 6.41
Eveready Industries   42.78 6.30
Panasonic Energy   35.82 2.98
High Energy   40.79 6.20
Indo National   44.23 1.81

# This is only coverage of News related to Grey Market Premium & subject to rates. We do not deal in grey market premium. We do not recommend dealing in Grey Market. Investment decision based on Grey Market trends can be faulty.

Cln Energy IPO Review by Paresh Gordhandas, CA & Research Analyst.

CLN Energy Limited, established in 2019, specializes in the production of custom lithium-ion batteries and motors. The company also manufactures powertrain components for electric vehicles, including controllers, throttles, DC-DC converters, displays, and differentials.

CLN Energy provides B2B solutions tailored for electric vehicles and stationary applications such as solar energy systems, energy storage solutions (ESS), and telecommunications.

Presently, the company operates two manufacturing facilities, one located in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, and the other in Pune, Maharashtra. The facilities in Noida and Pune span 42,000 sq. ft and 21,000 sq. ft, respectively, and are equipped with the latest technology. It manufactures lithium-ion battery packs for both mobility and stationary applications. Its current installed manufacturing setup has a Cell Grading Capacity of 168 MWH per annum, Cell Sorting capacity of 358 MWH per annum, manufacturing capacity of 130 MWH per annum, and Battery testing capacity of 72 MWH per annum for two-wheeler batteries, which is the combined capacity of both Noida and Pune facilities. For batteries other than two wheelers, its facility has a Cell Grading Capacity of 41 MWH per annum, Cell Sorting capacity of 110 MWH per annum, manufacturing capacity of 115 MWH per annum, and Battery testing capacity of 41 MWH per annum. Additionally, its Noida facility has an installed capacity of 60,000 motors per annum.

Its product has multiple certificates for performance and safety like AIS048, AIS156 for L2 (Two-Wheeler), L3 (e Rickshaw) and L5 (Three-Wheeler) application, IEC62133, IEC62619, QM333 for energy storage application, IS16047 for Solar Lighting application and AIS041 for electric motor. It has received QF103 from TSEC, Department of Telecom, Government of India for telecom lithium-ion batteries.

Out of the total income, 73.69 % comes from E-mobility and 67.51% comes from manufacturing. 15.33% of the total income comes from trading activity and the balance comes from Service activities. 

The shares are offered at reasonable valuation compared to its profitability. Huge oversubscription is anticipated.

+ from fundamental angle: Apply
+ from grey market angle: 


Cln Energy
 IPO GMP today allotment, review?

Cln Energy
IPO GMP grey market premium

Cln Energy IPO GMP

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